Gabriela Staniszewska

"One of the most exciting new voices in horror"

writer / director


Inspired by the works of Marjane Satrapi and Ayaan Hirsi Ali, The Spring is a film about forced marriage and explores the illusion of choice within the myth of "separate but equal". Set in a world where men and women live in apparently equal, yet parallel universes, The Spring is the story of a young woman on supposedly the most important day of her life: her wedding day. But her world is not as it seems.


meet the team

Gabriela StaniszewskaWriter, Director, Producer

Gabriela Staniszewska

Writer, Director, Producer

Scott WharramDOP, Editor & VFX

Scott Wharram

DOP, Editor & VFX

Kate DaviesThe Bride

Kate Davies

The Bride

Ryan & Russell OliverThe Gentlemen

Ryan & Russell Oliver

The Gentlemen

Matthew Chippendale-JonesSound Recordist, Lighting Designer & 1st AC

Matthew Chippendale-Jones

Sound Recordist, Lighting Designer & 1st AC

Amelia BerryScript Supervisor

Amelia Berry

Script Supervisor

Janey HayesMake Up Designer

Janey Hayes

Make Up Designer

Flynn ConollyBoom Operator & Grip

Flynn Conolly

Boom Operator & Grip

Andy SaxonStills Photographer

Andy Saxon

Stills Photographer

Teresa StaniszewskaWardrobe Mistress

Teresa Staniszewska

Wardrobe Mistress

Films @ 59Sound Postproduction

Films @ 59

Sound Postproduction

Nicky SugarCostumier

Nicky Sugar


Inspired by Ayaan...

I Should Have Run recevies an Honourable Mention in the AHA Foundation's Essay Competition...


the spring in the community